Bij live optredens erkent ELEKTRONISCHE MASCHINE het eminente belang van een bepaalde visuele impressie. Bij die optreden werken de volgende kenmerken in pure harmonie samen:
- De krachtige (electro, EBM) muziek
- Visuele 4-mans Slagwerk-Act
- Mimiek en veel dynamisch slagwerk
- Onconventionele dynamische act
- Subtiele choreografie
Sleutelwoorden van de muziek van ELEKTRONISCHE MASCHINE zijn: -Dance, Emotie, Kracht en Ontlading.
Na een optreden van Elektronische Maschine is het publiek altijd aangenaam verrast door onze opvallende dynamische act met mimiek en veel variabele ritme patronen. Daarnaast enorm veel energie, kracht, en emotie laat zien wat door de meepakkende melodieen en ondersteunende zang een prachtshow opleverd. De ervaring zegt dat onze show lang op het netvlies blijft!
Lees vooral de recenties hoe men ons optreden beleeft.
Recensie 1: Zie onderstaande link:
Recensie 2:
Electronic Circus Sommer-Edition 2022 in Borkholzhausen, Germany.
Ja, und als letzten Act gab es richtig was auf die Ohren! "Elektronische Maschine" - 4 Musiker, denen der Spaß echt anzusehen war. Richard und Sonja de Boer, Michael Malais und Wilco Oome haben ihren Ursprung aus der Musik von Kraftwerk. Aber schneller, druckvoller und vor allem lauter! Als ich die Musik vor einiger Zeit das erste Mal gehört habe, war ich mit den teilweise krassen Rhythmen etwas überfordert und somit hatte die Musik mich nicht so richtig erreicht. Aber dieser Auftritt hat mich genauso mitgerissen, wie sicherlich die meisten Gäste dieses Events! Das war echt ein Spektakel. Die Gruppe hat es drauf, ihr Publikum mitzureissen. Ist schon krass, wie da die elektronischen Drums bearbeitet und beansprucht werden! Dies war echt was für die Ohren und für´s Auge. Ein wahnsinnig tolles Erlebnis, diese Band zu sehen! Elektronische Maschine ist eine wahre Live-Band, die man einfach mal gesehen haben muß.
Ja, und gegen 22 Uhr war der ganze Spass auch leider vorbei. Es war ein tolles Festival, dem mein Dank an das gesamte Team gerichtet ist.
Review Elektronische Maschine English:
Yes, and as the last act there was really great! "Elektronische Maschine" - 4 musicians who were really having fun. Richard and Sonja de Boer, Michael Malais and Wilco Oome have their roots in the music of Kraftwerk. But faster, more powerful and above all louder! When I heard the music for the first time some time ago, I was a bit overwhelmed by the sometimes crass rhythms and so the music didn't really reach me. But this performance got me just as carried away as I am sure most of the guests at this event did! That was really a spectacle. The group has what it takes to enthrall their audience. It's crazy how the electronic drums are processed and stressed! This was really something for the ears and for the eye. An amazing experience to see this band! Elektronische Maschine is a true live band that simply has to be seen to be believed.
Yes, and unfortunately the whole fun was over at around 10 p.m. It was a great festival, for which my thanks go to the entire team.
Recensie 3:
Electronic Music Webzine EMPULSIV Written by: Alfred Arnold:
"Dutch Electronic Masters Music Festival 2022"
Date: 23-04-2022
Budget Hotel Groenendijk
Rijndijk 96
The Netherlands
"Elektronische Maschine" is a quartet, and because some members also change instruments during the performance, it gets pretty tight on the small stage in the Hotel Groenendijk with three keyboard stands and two electronic drum sets. In addition to the musicians (or actually "performers", more on that in a moment), two or three other people also wear the black T-shirt with the band logo and the addition "Crew".
The fact that this band exists for many years can be seen from the fact that the build-up proceeds without any glitches or significant problems. Everything is ready 15 minutes before the planned start, and Gerrit can release the stage after another short and crisp announcement.
Elektronische Maschine was founded in the 90's and I heard and read some things about them. Unfortunately, they haven't been able to be seen live in our EM scene, at least in the last few years, so this is the first opportunity for me to form my own opinion about their stage performances. In short, what you see and hear is superb and simply stunning.
When the topic of "Elektronische Maschine" comes up, the keyword "Kraftwerk" quickly comes up as an inspiration. That's not completely wrong, because various elements allude to the legendary Düsseldorf electro-pop quartet: Be it the robotic movements, the choppy and constantly repeated scraps of text as vocals, the self-constructed instruments or the performance directly at the edge of the stage with the mini- Keyboard in hand: Richard de Boer and his comrades-in-arms picked up on all of this, but they go far beyond that and develop their own style instead of just copying role models.
On the one hand, it is known from Kraftwerk that instead of themselves, they used to put four puppets on the stage, which then more or less "performed" the electronic work of art. With "Elektronische Maschine" that would be completely unthinkable, because here the music and the movement of the musicians result in a choreography.
Each of them plays a specific role: the stoic "supervisor" who always has everything under control, the keyboarder and singer with his Kinski-esque spontaneous outbursts, or the drummer with the piercing gaze, who often exchanges "blows " delivers with his game partner.
And you don't stop with the music either: it invites you to dance a lot more, and instead of just giving the titles created in the past decades a new coat of paint, new material is constantly being produced: An EM-like summary of the corona pandemic , along with the associated face masks, should not be missing in today's set.
The choreographic highlights of the performance are without question the moments when all four musicians at the edge of the stage work on a (probably self-constructed?) percussion like a synchronized quartet of robots. Photos cannot convey properly the show effect by the coordinated movements. It is clear the high professional level of this band is absolutely clear.
Influenced by the synth-pop of the 80s and other, more current trends in electronic music, "Elektronische Maschine" creates a product that can hardly be confined to a scene focused on "classic EM". Richard de Boer proudly tells me in which clubs his band will perform this year - a completely different world than the one we are in here.
But dates are also still planned for "our scene" this year: "Elektronische Maschine" will play at the Schwingen party in August, and Ron Boots has already booked it for E-Live 2022 in the fall. I have no doubt that these performances will be just as furious as today's in Hazerswoude.
Alfred Arnold: Empulsiv
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- Club
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- Eigen muziek
- Elektronisch
Aantal musici
- 3 t/m 5
- Keyboard
- Percussie
- Synthesizer